@ARTICLE{26589739_26595713_2010, author = {Anna Vtorushina}, keywords = {, market culture, retailing organizations, trade formatsstructural approach}, title = {A Structural Approach to the Market Culture (The Case of Retailing Organizations of Magadan City)}, journal = {Economic Sociology}, year = {2010}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {57-83}, url = {https://ecsoc.hse.ru/en/2010-11-1/26595713.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The paper investigates market culture from the structural perspective. This analysis focuses on the Magadan grocery retail trade represented by four different organizational types: open-air market, traditional grocery store, supermarket, and chain stores. The author raises the following questions: how do social ties’ configurations reflect the market culture? How do social practices of market actors turn out to be an important principle of structuration of the market culture?}, annote = {The paper investigates market culture from the structural perspective. This analysis focuses on the Magadan grocery retail trade represented by four different organizational types: open-air market, traditional grocery store, supermarket, and chain stores. The author raises the following questions: how do social ties’ configurations reflect the market culture? How do social practices of market actors turn out to be an important principle of structuration of the market culture?} }