@ARTICLE{26589739_42286814_2011, author = {Maria Burlutskaya}, keywords = {, intraorganizational mobility, intrafirm mobility, professional mobility, career mobilityinternal labor market}, title = {Intraorganizational Mobility in Russian Enterprises: Dynamics of Structural and Normative Regulators of Careers}, journal = {Economic Sociology}, year = {2011}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {68-80}, url = {https://ecsoc.hse.ru/en/2011-12-1/42286814.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The paper is devoted to the intraorganizational mobility at the Russian industrial plants (1990-2000). Author investigates direction and intensity of mobility as well as structural and normative factors regulating job careers. Based on several case-study, the paper demonstrates that in conditions of Russia structural changes encourage intraorganizational mobility. As for normative regulators as an element of corporate culture, they significantly vary among enterprises.}, annote = {The paper is devoted to the intraorganizational mobility at the Russian industrial plants (1990-2000). Author investigates direction and intensity of mobility as well as structural and normative factors regulating job careers. Based on several case-study, the paper demonstrates that in conditions of Russia structural changes encourage intraorganizational mobility. As for normative regulators as an element of corporate culture, they significantly vary among enterprises.} }