@ARTICLE{26589739_55570825_2012, author = {Olesya Kirchik and Greg Yudin*}, keywords = {}, title = {Social and Historic Analysis of Economic Knowledge}, journal = {Economic Sociology}, year = {2012}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {105-116}, url = {https://ecsoc.hse.ru/en/2012-13-1/55570825.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {* This material (information) was produced, distributed and (or) sent by a foreign agent Grigory Borisovich Yudin, or concerns the activities of a foreign agent Grigory Borisovich Yudin}, annote = {* This material (information) was produced, distributed and (or) sent by a foreign agent Grigory Borisovich Yudin, or concerns the activities of a foreign agent Grigory Borisovich Yudin} }