@ARTICLE{26589739_67687791_2012, author = {Igor Chirikov}, keywords = {, organizational boundaries, contingency theory, negotiated order theory, resource dependence theory, new institutionalismsociology of organizations}, title = {Four Methods for Defining Organizational Boundaries in Sociology}, journal = {Economic Sociology}, year = {2012}, month = {ноябрь}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {129-145}, url = {https://ecsoc.hse.ru/en/2012-13-5/67687791.html}, publisher = {}, abstract = {The paper codifies the theoretical perspectives in sociology of organizations related to studies in organizational boundaries. Four methods for conceptualizing organizational boundaries are identified, depending on a key metaphor which each method proposes. The presented metaphors include (1) boundary as membrane (flap); (2) boundary as convention; (3) boundary as interface; (4) boundary as forefront. In addition, the paper discusses the organizational perspectives’ general methodological drawbacks in studying organizational boundaries.}, annote = {The paper codifies the theoretical perspectives in sociology of organizations related to studies in organizational boundaries. Four methods for conceptualizing organizational boundaries are identified, depending on a key metaphor which each method proposes. The presented metaphors include (1) boundary as membrane (flap); (2) boundary as convention; (3) boundary as interface; (4) boundary as forefront. In addition, the paper discusses the organizational perspectives’ general methodological drawbacks in studying organizational boundaries.} }