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On the web since fall 2000

Journal of Economic Sociology is indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) from Web of Science™ Core Collection

Funded by the National Research University Higher School of Economics since 2007.

Author Guide

Journal of Economic Sociology is an electronic journal that welcomes manuscripts written in either English or Russian. Briefly, in order for a manuscript to be accepted for publication in the journal, it must meet all the traditional requirements of an academic publication: It is supposed to possess novelty, contain a problem statement, have a well-defined structure, and it should actively engage the current scientific literature. Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the following rules:

Manuscripts should not contain substantial elements of material that has been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.

Requirements to the manuscript design

The manuscript should not be more then:

  • 12,000 words for the categories  “New Texts”, “Beyond the Borders” and “Debut Studies”;
  • 6,000 words for “Professional Reviews”, “New Books”, “Syllabi”;
  • 1,200 words for “Research Projects” and “Conferences”.

The cover page of the submission should contain the following information in either English or Russian:

  • title;
  • surname and first name of the author(s);
  • title, affiliation, position, email, full postal address, phone number of the author(s);
  • abstract (not less than 200–250 words);
  • key words (not less than 6, for example: competition; local market; business strategies).

Title of the article

The article title can be in Russian or English. It should be informative, i.e., reflect the main content of the article, and not exceed 8–10 words.

Information about the authors

Information about the authors can be in Russian and English and should include:

  • surname and first name of the author(s);
  • title, affiliation and position fully (unabridged) of each author;
  • full name of the organization – the place of work of each author (in the nominative case, if in Russian) and full postal address of the organization;
  • e-mail address of each author.

If the article is based on collective research material, all members of the group (regardless of status, degree or position) must be specified either as collaborators or in the note at the beginning of this article.


The abstract can be in Russian and English and should have a word count of 200–250. The abstract needs to reveal the main content of the article and reproduce the logic of the narrative. It should reflect all of the major elements of the article, including the problem, the purpose of the study, the theoretical background, as well as identify the empirical data and the methods used to analyze the data. The abstract should give some indication of the findings, the application of the results and important conclusions. Key words and phrases from the text of the article should be used in the text annotation.

Key words

Key words can be provided in Russian and English. The number of key words (phrases) should be six or more. Key words or phrases separated by a semicolon.

Typesetting is input in Word and set in a serif typeface (Times Roman) at a font size of 12 points. The main text needs to be formatted according to the following rules: justified width; left and right indents equal to zero; no hanging indentations; zero interval before the paragraph and 6 point interval after the paragraph; line-to-line spacing equal to one.

Enumerations should be written as marked or enumerated lists. Each position goes on a separate line.

Marked lists should be done with  dashes in the left. For example:

– segment of the market;
– firm’s size;
– competition level.

Enumerated lists should be given without brackets.

  1. Segment of the market.
  2. Firm’s size.
  3. Competition level.

Formatting footnotes and references: Follow the same rules as above, except: the heading lines should have hanging indentations of 0,4 points. The references should be given in the text directly after the patch demanding the reference. The footnotes should be designed as follows:

[Авдашева, Шаститко, Калмычкова 2007: 234–236].
[Smith-Doerr, Powell 2005; Uzzi 1999].
[Development Program… 2008].

Square brackets are not used for other purposes in the text. In case of a reference to a foreign author it is necessary to give in the text transcription of the Russian name, but her writing Latin – in parentheses. For example: "Уци (Brian Uzzi) утверждает, что ...". In references to works written by more than three authors, use "и др." or «et al.» at the first mention.

References go at the end of the text with the full bibliographic description of all the sources used. List only those sources which were used in the text. The list goes in alphabetical order. The papers of one author should be given in the chronological order. The description of the references should be as following:

1. Author A., Author B., Author C. (2010) Title of Article. Title of Journal, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 496–507.

2. Author A., Author B., Author C. (2010) Title of Paper. Working paper Code, Town: Publisher.

3. Author A., Author B., Author C. (2013) Title of Chapter. Title of book, Town: Publisher, pp. 496–507.

4. Author A., Author B., Author C. (2013) Title of Book, Town: Publisher.

5. Author A., Author B. (2009) Title of Paper. Proceedings of the Title of conference, date and place, рр.115–143.


White H.C. (2002) Markets from Networks: Socioeconomic Models of Production. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Powell W., Koput K. W., Smith-Doerr L. (1996) Interorganizational Collaboration and the Locus of Innovation: Networks of Learning in Biotechnology. Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 41, no 1, pp. 116–145.

Braudel F. (1979) Civilisation matérielle, économie et capitalisme, XVe– XVIIIe sičcles [Civilization and Capitalism, 15th– 18th Century], 3vols. Tome1. Les Structures Du Quotidien: Le Possible et l’Impossible [Vol. 1: The Structures of Everyday Life: The Limits of the Possible], Paris: Armand Colin, Ch. 3 (in French).

Klimova S. (2007) Alkogolizm: obydennye teorii [Alcoholism: Ordinary Theories]. Sotsial’naya real’nost’ (electronic journal), no2, pp. 30–40. Available at: http://corp.fom.ru/uploads/socreal/post-225.pdf (accessed on 11 January 2014) (in Russian).

As for references to on-line sources: the electronic address is given at the end of the bibliographic description. For example:
Radaev V. V. (2003) What is the Competition? Economicheskaya sotsiologiya, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 16–25. Available at: www.ecsoc.msses.ru (accessed on 1 May 2013).

Tables, schemes, graphs and pictures should have titles and trans-enumeration. The tables are formatted as follows:

Table 1

Types of the retailers and suppliers by the territorial scope (%), N = 442

Types of retailers and suppliers















Notice:p = 0.001.

Source:[Ivanov 2008: 17].

Each table in the text should be indicated by reference brackets (see Table. 10).

Diagrams, graphs
The title should be given inboldface fontunder the picture.

All figures (graphs, charts, drawings and photographic images) should be submitted in electronic form. Pictures must be of high quality. All images must be attached as separate files with the following parameters:

  • Photographic images – with a resolution 300 dpi, no smaller than 1000 x 1000 pix, JPEG or TIFF
  • Charts, graphs, drawings – in EXCEL format or EPS. In addition to figures, the underlying data should be submitted in EXCEL format, on the basis of which it will be possible to reproduce the charts, graphs and drawings.

Each figure in the text should be indicated by the reference brackets (see Fig. 5).

Mathematic formulas are to be formatted in Microsoft Equation.

Some editorial rules

  • 1980s
  • During 1999–2000
  • In the year 2007
  • 20th century
  • XX–XXI centuries
  • In the text (in the text of articles, footnotes, tables, etc.) must be a text dash, which is called the long ( — ), between numbers should be short digital dash (–), hyphen is a grammatical hyphen of a compound word (-)
  • Use the letter "ё"
  • Between the initials and surname must be non-breaking spaces without fail (A. S. Pushkin).
  • All abbreviations used in the text are disclosed in the explanatory parentheses (Technical Assistance for the Commonwealth of Independent States, TACIS)

The review process and publication decision
The manuscripts should be sent to ecsoc@hse.ru. Notification of receipt will be sent by email to the author(s) at the address provided at the time of submission.

The review process is obligatory for all papers being considered under the categories: “New Texts”, “Beyond the Borders” and “Debut Studies”.  Journal of Economic Sociology has a double-blind review process, i.e., each submission is reviewed independently by two anonymous experts after all identifying data about the author(s) has been suppressed. The reviewers are asked to provide written reports. Reports containing suggestions for improvement are forwarded to the author(s). If the editorial board decides not to accept a manuscript, it will inform the author(s) without sending the written reports of the reviewers.

The journal endeavors to deliver a decision on publication no later than two months from the manuscript’s registration as a received submission. The author(s) will be informed about the decision by email to the address provided at the time of submission.

There are no fees taken from the authors and no honorariums given for the papers.

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