Articles rubric «New Books»
Daria Petrova
[2024] Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 213–228
On Rumors and Their Debunking: How to Deal with Misinformation?
Book Review: Berinsky A. J. (2023) Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight It, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 240 p.
On Rumors and Their Debunking: How to Deal with Misinformation?
Book Review: Berinsky A. J. (2023) Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight It, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 240 p.
Dmitry Popov
[2024] Vol. 25. No. 2. P. 148–159
A Professional and His Work: Is Human Capital Important in Contemporary Russia?
Book Review: Tikhonova N. E., Latov Yu. V., Karavay A. V., Latova N. V., Slobodenuk E. D. (2023) Human Capital of Russian Professionals: Current State, Dynamics, Factors. Moscow: FCTAS RAS. 488 p. (in Russian)
A Professional and His Work: Is Human Capital Important in Contemporary Russia?
Book Review: Tikhonova N. E., Latov Yu. V., Karavay A. V., Latova N. V., Slobodenuk E. D. (2023) Human Capital of Russian Professionals: Current State, Dynamics, Factors. Moscow: FCTAS RAS. 488 p. (in Russian)
Stanislav Pashkov
[2024] Vol. 25. No. 1. P. 161–175
“Performative Decisions in Conditions of Systemic Uncertainty”: How the US Federal Reserve Solved the Crisis During the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 Book Review: Abolafia M. Y. (2020) Stewards of the Market: How the Federal Reserve Made Sense of the Financial Crisis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 224 p
“Performative Decisions in Conditions of Systemic Uncertainty”: How the US Federal Reserve Solved the Crisis During the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 Book Review: Abolafia M. Y. (2020) Stewards of the Market: How the Federal Reserve Made Sense of the Financial Crisis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 224 p
Egor Makarov
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 5. P. 158–174
The Sociology of the Financial Crisis: Banks, Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Modern Financial System
Book Review: Fligstein N. (2021) The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 315 p
The Sociology of the Financial Crisis: Banks, Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Modern Financial System
Book Review: Fligstein N. (2021) The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 315 p
Irina Ivleva
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 4. P. 134–144
The Concept of Touching Animals or Market?
Book Review: Krylova K. 2023. Handy Animal Market, Moscow: NLO. 408 p.
The Concept of Touching Animals or Market?
Book Review: Krylova K. 2023. Handy Animal Market, Moscow: NLO. 408 p.
Daria Lebedeva
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 4. P. 145–161
Искать сходства, а не различия: пять архетипов экосоциальных отношений
Рецензия на книгу: Kennedy E. H. 2022. Eco-Types: Five Ways of Caringabout the Environment. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 280 p.
Искать сходства, а не различия: пять архетипов экосоциальных отношений
Рецензия на книгу: Kennedy E. H. 2022. Eco-Types: Five Ways of Caringabout the Environment. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 280 p.
Alexander Kurakin
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 3. P. 130–135
Suicides in Rural India
Book Review: Suthar S. K. (2022) Dilapidation of the Rural: Development, Politics, and Farmer Suicides in India, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 210 p
Suicides in Rural India
Book Review: Suthar S. K. (2022) Dilapidation of the Rural: Development, Politics, and Farmer Suicides in India, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 210 p
Viktor Ledenev
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 2. P. 168–180
Social Сapital of Organized Crime
Book Review: Galeotti M. 2019. Vory. Istoriya organizovannoy prestupnosti v Rossii [The Vory: Russia’s Super Mafia], Moscow: Individuum (in Russian). 448 p.
Social Сapital of Organized Crime
Book Review: Galeotti M. 2019. Vory. Istoriya organizovannoy prestupnosti v Rossii [The Vory: Russia’s Super Mafia], Moscow: Individuum (in Russian). 448 p.
Irina Trotsuk
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 1. P. 133–148
A Book on Economics for Sociological Reading
Book Review: Banerjee A., Duflo E. (2021) Ekonomicheskaya nauka v tyazhelye vremena. Produmannye resheniya samykh vazhnykh problem sovremennosti [Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems], Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press; St. Petersburg: Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg University, 624 pp. (in Russian)
A Book on Economics for Sociological Reading
Book Review: Banerjee A., Duflo E. (2021) Ekonomicheskaya nauka v tyazhelye vremena. Produmannye resheniya samykh vazhnykh problem sovremennosti [Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems], Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press; St. Petersburg: Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg University, 624 pp. (in Russian)
Yuliya Belova
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 5. P. 109–120
On Thin Ice: Alcohol Promotion by Sport Resources
Book Review: Gee S. (ed.) (2020) Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail (Research in the Sociology of Sport, vol. 14), Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. 178 p
On Thin Ice: Alcohol Promotion by Sport Resources
Book Review: Gee S. (ed.) (2020) Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail (Research in the Sociology of Sport, vol. 14), Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. 178 p