Publishing Ethics
Journal of Economic Sociology adheres to international standards of ethics developed with help of COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
When issuing each paper editorial staff seeks to respect the interests of all stakeholders: authors, reviewers, readers and editorial board members.
Editorial staff
- has complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept a paper;
- makes decisions to reject/accept a paper only on a basis of the paper's originality, importance and relevance to the merit of the journal;
- accepts a manuscript when reasonably certain;
- provides checking the texts for not having plagiarism. In case if it is found editorial staff can publicize this fact;
- guarantees the anonymous reviewing of the manuscripts submitted;
- guarantees placing the papers on the official web-site of the journal and provide free access to them.
Authors of the papers published:
- guarantee that papers is published for the first time and wasn’t published anywhere before. Authors are allowed to publish the papers in other editions with remark that first it was issued in "Economic Sociology" indicating URL:;
- provide only original papers for publication;
- confirm that they are the authors of the paper and its publishing doesn’t harm interests of any other people;
- describe the data sources giving references to organizations, grants and projects that gave the support for this work;
- confirm that all data used in article are real and authentic;
- provide a list of references and cite published papers which have significantly contributed to the research;
- provide retractions or corrections of mistakes when they are found.
- provide objective judgments;
- inform editors when they have conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders;
- point out relevant published work which is not yet cited;
- guarantee that paper are treated confidentially.
Dealing with misconduct
The journal takes all breaches of ethical issues related to academic publication very seriously. If editorial staff suspects misconduct (or if an allegation of misconduct is brought to them), especially it concerns plagiarism and falsified data, they have authority to reject papers and make the matter public.