2010. Vol. 11. No. 3 |
Editor’s Foreword (Vadim Radaev)
P. 5–7 |
Gary Becker
Interview with Gary Becker: «I think It is a Good Idea to Do Research in Economic Sociology»
P. 8–12 |
New Texts
Vadim Radaev
Market as a Sequence of Exchanges between Organizational Fields
P. 13–36 |
The paper suggests a theoretical concept of the market as intersection of two separate notions. The first notion of organizational field is borrowed from the new economic sociology. The second notion of supply chain is developed in marketing science. In sum, the market is presented as a chain of subsequent exchanges carried out by buyers and sellers from closely related organizational fields. Elaborating this understanding of the market, the author treats the market exchange as a social process in which economic transactions densely interweave with power relations. |
New Translations
Ronald Dore
Goodwill and the Spirit of Market Capitalism (translated by A. Shevchuk)
P. 37–57 |
The paper deals with opportunities for making a market capitalism based on goodwill. The author demonstrates that economists exaggerate a role of self-interests for the market economy. While mutual long-term obligations, readiness to rely on goodwill and relational contracting may become a more successful tool for effective administration of the economy and improvement of the quality of life. In support of his major argument the author provides empirical observations of peculiar institutional arrangements in the Japanese economy. It is also pointed out that relational contracting based on goodwill exists in other countries and fosters important economic advantages |
Insight from the Regions
Maria Tysiachniouk
Markers of Trust in the Supply Chain: From Forest Stands in Russia to End Consumers in Europe and the USA
P. 58–83 |
This paper examines the role of different units in the supply chain to ensure consumers’ confidence in the process of production. Analysis of interviews with managers demonstrated that as we move along the supply chain upstream from the buyer to the producer, construction of trust by managers is becoming increasingly instrumental. Differences observed in the constructs of trust in various units of the supply chain can be explained by two reasons: first, by the challenges faced by each individual unit, and second by differences in value systems of managers. Thus, such intangible values as environmental friendliness and social responsibility that are the most important for the ultimate consumers do not show up in the narratives of the production managers, being replaced by a purely instrumental approach in which the trust is equivalent to the national standards and requirements of the process of production. |
Debut Studies
Ekaterina Moiseeva
The Market for Funeral Services: Transformation of Ritual Rules into Market Rules
P. 84–99 |
The market for funeral services is one dealing with the most sacred and emotionalised objects. Similarly to the life insurance industry and the organ transplant industry it is conditioned by the fact of death. The paper considers the following issues: what is sold out and purchased on this market? What are the qualities of the goods offered? On which terms are economic transactions arranged? And which factors define buyers’ rational behaviour? A major insight of the study is that a cultural construct of deserving funerals is traded here. Market for funeral services can be viewed as an interplay between sacred and secular. Understanding of cultural restraints governing market transactions allows us to reveal how ritual rules are transformed into market rules. |
Professional Reviews
Patrik Aspers,
Sebastian Kohl,
Dominic Power
Economic Sociology Discovering Economic Geography (translated by E. Golovlyanitsina)
P. 100–121 |
The paper reviews the fi eld of economic geography and searches for opportunities of potential collaboration with the economic sociology. Firstly, a short history of economic geography as a research fi eld is presented. Then some classic and modern geographical concepts embedded in economic geography are reviewed. Finally, the authors discuss how economic geography and sociology can be brought together and indicate perspectives for mutual collaboration |
New Books
Elena Bogdanova
Book Review «Sense and Sensibility: Of Dissonance for Organizational Innovations» on Stark D. 2009. The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009)
P. 122–128 |
Attracting the results of three ethnographic research projects, David Stark demonstrates the importance of heterarchy for organizational innovation. Heterarchies are resulted from recombination of actors’ spatial location, job status, technical systems, tools and evaluation principles of organizational goods while searching for the new and trying to organize dissonance generated by diversity of evaluation principles. Evaluation principles improve organization’s adaptability to any environmental and social changes. |
Research Projects
Property Rights in Extralegal Production of Natural Resources: Enforcement and Social norms (Casestudies of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, and Mongolia)
P. 129–135 |
Marc Shneiber
Economic Sociology
P. 136–143 |
French and Russian Scientific and Applied Conference «Economics, Politics, and Society: New Challenges and Opportunities», HSE (Moscow), 28–29 October 2010
P. 144–148 |