Bruce Carruthers
Interview with Bruce Carruthers: «I am Certainly not On the Let’s-Make-Capitalism-Better Side» (translated by Dmitry Krylov, Georgy Loginov)
Vol. 12.
No. 1.
P. 7–24
[issue contents]
Carruthers B. (2011) Interv'yu s Bryusom Karrutersom: «Ya opredelenno ne na storone tekh, kto zanimaetsya chem-to v stile "davayte sdelaem kapitalizm luchshe"» (perevod D. A. Krylova, G. E. Loginova) [Interview with Bruce Carruthers: «I am Certainly not On the Let’s-Make-Capitalism-Better Side» (translated by Dmitry Krylov, Georgy Loginov)]. Economic Sociology, vol. 12, no 1, pp. 7-24 (in Russian)