Articles rubric «New Books»
Alexey Spirin
[2015] Vol. 16. No. 3. P. 173–182
Placing Culture into the “Lifeless” Business WorldBook Review: Spillman L. (2012) Solidarity in Strategy:Making Business Meaningful in American Trade Associations , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Placing Culture into the “Lifeless” Business WorldBook Review: Spillman L. (2012) Solidarity in Strategy:Making Business Meaningful in American Trade Associations , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Philippe Steiner
[2001] Vol. 2. No. 4. P. 125–127
Brokers. Essay on the Sociology of Financial Markets
Brokers. Essay on the Sociology of Financial Markets
Maksim Storchevoi
[2004] Vol. 5. No. 4. P. 106–120
Sociology of Markets: Excursion to the New Methodology. Critical Review on the book by Vadim Radaev “Sociology of markets: towards formation of the new approach”
Sociology of Markets: Excursion to the New Methodology. Critical Review on the book by Vadim Radaev “Sociology of markets: towards formation of the new approach”
Maksim Storchevoi
[2003] Vol. 4. No. 2. P. 111–128
To be as you are… book review on Vadim Radaev “Economic sociology: new approaches to the institutional and network analysis”
To be as you are… book review on Vadim Radaev “Economic sociology: new approaches to the institutional and network analysis”
Anna Strelnikova
[2001] Vol. 2. No. 2. P. 133–139
Illusion of the Freedom in the Big City. Book Review on Rossiiskoe Gorodskoe Prostranstvo: Popitka Pereosmyslenia / ed. by V.V. Vagin. М.: МОNF, 2000. 164 p.
Illusion of the Freedom in the Big City. Book Review on Rossiiskoe Gorodskoe Prostranstvo: Popitka Pereosmyslenia / ed. by V.V. Vagin. М.: МОNF, 2000. 164 p.
Alexander Subbotin
[2020] Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 139–149
Homo Sapiens Socialis
Book review: Boyer P. (2019) Anatomiya chelovecheskikh soobshchestv. Kak soznanie opredelyaet nashe bytie [Minds Make Societies: How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create], Moscow: Alpina non-fiction (in Russian). 436 p.
Homo Sapiens Socialis
Book review: Boyer P. (2019) Anatomiya chelovecheskikh soobshchestv. Kak soznanie opredelyaet nashe bytie [Minds Make Societies: How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create], Moscow: Alpina non-fiction (in Russian). 436 p.
Alexander Subbotin
[2020] Vol. 21. No. 3. P. 101–113
Way Out of the Matrix
Book review: Foer F. (2020) Bez svoego mneniya. Kak Google, Facebook*, Amazon i Apple lishayut vas individual’nosti [World without Mind: How Google, Amazon, and Facebook* Shape Your Mind], Moscow: Bombora (EKSMO Publishing Group), a series of Digital Society (in Russian). 296 p.
Way Out of the Matrix
Book review: Foer F. (2020) Bez svoego mneniya. Kak Google, Facebook*, Amazon i Apple lishayut vas individual’nosti [World without Mind: How Google, Amazon, and Facebook* Shape Your Mind], Moscow: Bombora (EKSMO Publishing Group), a series of Digital Society (in Russian). 296 p.
Richard Swedberg
[2001] Vol. 2. No. 1. P. 123–125
Economic Sociology (Steiner Ph. La Sociologie Économique. Paris: Edition La Découverte, 1999)
Economic Sociology (Steiner Ph. La Sociologie Économique. Paris: Edition La Découverte, 1999)
Jorg Sydow
[2002] Vol. 3. No. 4. P. 135–138
The Firm of the XXI Century: Changing Economic Organization In International Perspective
The Firm of the XXI Century: Changing Economic Organization In International Perspective
Irina Trotsuk
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 1. P. 133–148
A Book on Economics for Sociological Reading
Book Review: Banerjee A., Duflo E. (2021) Ekonomicheskaya nauka v tyazhelye vremena. Produmannye resheniya samykh vazhnykh problem sovremennosti [Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems], Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press; St. Petersburg: Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg University, 624 pp. (in Russian)
A Book on Economics for Sociological Reading
Book Review: Banerjee A., Duflo E. (2021) Ekonomicheskaya nauka v tyazhelye vremena. Produmannye resheniya samykh vazhnykh problem sovremennosti [Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems], Moscow: Gaidar Institute Press; St. Petersburg: Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of St. Petersburg University, 624 pp. (in Russian)