Articles rubric «New Books»
David Khumaryan
[2019] Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 164–179
Nick Srnicek’s Platform Capitalism: Crisis — Response — Boom — Crisis — and Response Again. What Do We Know about the Digital Economy?
Book Review: Srnicek N. (2019) Kapitalizm platform [Platform Capitalism] (Russian transl. by Maria Dobryakova), Moscow: HSE Publishing House (in Russian). 128 pp.
Nick Srnicek’s Platform Capitalism: Crisis — Response — Boom — Crisis — and Response Again. What Do We Know about the Digital Economy?
Book Review: Srnicek N. (2019) Kapitalizm platform [Platform Capitalism] (Russian transl. by Maria Dobryakova), Moscow: HSE Publishing House (in Russian). 128 pp.
Natalia Zubarevich
[2005] Vol. 6. No. 4. P. 111–112
Notes of the Unprofessional Reader: Review on the Book by Vivian Zelizer “Social Meaning of Money”
Notes of the Unprofessional Reader: Review on the Book by Vivian Zelizer “Social Meaning of Money”
Natalia Bogatyr
[2010] Vol. 11. No. 1. P. 128–132
Of Things, Markets, and Material Embeddedness (A Book Review: Pinch T., Swedberg R. (eds.). 2008. Living in a Material World: Economic Sociology Meets Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA; London, England: MIT Press.)
Of Things, Markets, and Material Embeddedness (A Book Review: Pinch T., Swedberg R. (eds.). 2008. Living in a Material World: Economic Sociology Meets Science and Technology Studies. Cambridge, MA; London, England: MIT Press.)
Svetlana Barsukova
[2007] Vol. 8. No. 4. P. 131–138
Once Again about Female Entrepreneurship… The Review on the Book: Enterprising Women in Transition Economies / Ed. by F. Welter, D. Smallbone, N. Isakova (2006)
Once Again about Female Entrepreneurship… The Review on the Book: Enterprising Women in Transition Economies / Ed. by F. Welter, D. Smallbone, N. Isakova (2006)
Daniel Shestakov
[2016] Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 99–112
On Inequality of Outcomes. Book Review: Piketty Т. (2015) Kapital v XXI veke [Capital in the Twenty-First Century], Moscow: Ad Marginem Press (in Russian); tr. from: Piketty T. (2014) Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press
On Inequality of Outcomes. Book Review: Piketty Т. (2015) Kapital v XXI veke [Capital in the Twenty-First Century], Moscow: Ad Marginem Press (in Russian); tr. from: Piketty T. (2014) Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Cambridge: Harvard University Press
Svetlana Barsukova
[2008] Vol. 9. No. 5. P. 90–97
On Rules of Ultimate Fights. Book Review: Paneyakh, E. (2008) Rules of the Game for the Russian Entrepreneur, Moscow: Colibry
On Rules of Ultimate Fights. Book Review: Paneyakh, E. (2008) Rules of the Game for the Russian Entrepreneur, Moscow: Colibry
Daria Petrova
[2024] Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 213–228
On Rumors and Their Debunking: How to Deal with Misinformation?
Book Review: Berinsky A. J. (2023) Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight It, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 240 p.
On Rumors and Their Debunking: How to Deal with Misinformation?
Book Review: Berinsky A. J. (2023) Political Rumors: Why We Accept Misinformation and How to Fight It, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 240 p.
Yuliya Belova
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 5. P. 109–120
On Thin Ice: Alcohol Promotion by Sport Resources
Book Review: Gee S. (ed.) (2020) Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail (Research in the Sociology of Sport, vol. 14), Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. 178 p
On Thin Ice: Alcohol Promotion by Sport Resources
Book Review: Gee S. (ed.) (2020) Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail (Research in the Sociology of Sport, vol. 14), Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited. 178 p
Maria Sakaeva
[2010] Vol. 11. No. 2. P. 126–131
Organized Labour: Market, Democracy and Globalization (A Book Review: Kubicek P. 2004. Organized Labor in Postcommunist States: From Solidarity to Infirmity. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.)
Organized Labour: Market, Democracy and Globalization (A Book Review: Kubicek P. 2004. Organized Labor in Postcommunist States: From Solidarity to Infirmity. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.)
Anita Poplavskaya
[2024] Vol. 25. No. 4. P. 129–146
Over(re)load in IT Corporation: How and When Institutional Changes are Possible?
Book Review: Kelly E., Moen P. (2020). Overload: How Good Jobs Went Bad and What We Can Do about It, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 336 p
Over(re)load in IT Corporation: How and When Institutional Changes are Possible?
Book Review: Kelly E., Moen P. (2020). Overload: How Good Jobs Went Bad and What We Can Do about It, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 336 p