2002. Vol. 3. No. 2 |
Editor’s Foreword
P. 2–4 |
New Texts
Vadim Volkov
Force Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Russia. Part 2: The Theory of the Force Entrepreneurship; Part 3: Force Entrepreneurship in Russia in1990s.
P. 18–43 |
In part 2 the author tries to put the organizations which are responsible forguaranteeingsecurity and have the opportunity to control the means of violence into the sphere of social-economic analysis. The theoretical approaches are mainly focused on actions of those who have access to the means of duress. Short theoretical description of force entrepreneurship is given after that. The third part discovers the first elementary form of force entrepreneurship – provision of protection services including so called “guarding racket”. Then the author analyzes the more complicated forms of force entrepreneurship – force partnership and force. |
Andrey Shevchuk
Post-fordist Сonceptions as a Research Program
P. 44–61 |
The object of the analysis of this paper is the post-fordist concepts. The author covers the subject of the debates, main methodological approaches: the regulation theory, neo-shupmeterian concepts, concept of flexible specialization. The trajectories of social-economic development are analyzed from the point of view of post-fordist conceptions. |
New Translations
Karl Polanyi
Economics as Institutionally Formed Process
P. 62–73 |
This is the first part of one of the main texts by Karl Polanyi about the two meanings of “economic”. No doubts, Polanyi is the classic and widely cited author in economic sociology. Now we can watch therenaissanceof his papers both in Europe and the USA. In 2001 a new edition of his book of “Great transformation” was published with the introduction by J.Stigliz and F.Block. In Russia Polanyi is not so popular, however two translations from his books were published (in THESIS and in the book by T. Shanin “Informal Economy”). The translation of the “Great Transformation” is not finished yet. The full version of this translation will be given in the reading book “Western Economic Sociology”. |
Insight from the Regions
Olga Brednikova,
Oleg Pachenkov
Ethnicity of the “Ethnical Economics” and Social Networks of Migrants
P. 74–81 |
The paper analyzes the existed concepts of ethnical economics on the basis of the study of the formation principles of social networks by economic migrants. The authors suggest their own ideas about the ethnicity. The object is the economic migrants from the Caucuses and Middle Asia, sailing on the markets in Saint-Petersburg. |
Debut Studies
Elena Skuryatina
Saving Strategies of the Population: Main Notions and Operationalization
P. 82–91 |
The paper is considering the main approaches to the explanation of saving behavior, focusing on strategic approach. Firstly the theoretical definition of “saving strategy” is given and after that this term is operationalized on the empirical level. Special attention goes for the problems and restrictions of this approach usage. |
Professional Reviews
Joaio Peixoto,
Rafael Marques
Economic Sociology in Portugal
P. 92–100 |
Lena Novikova
The Review of Internet Resources on Economic sociology (part 6) – Classics of economic sociology, history and methodology of economic sociology, social stratificationклассика экономической социологии
P. 101–106 |
New Books
Svetlana Barsukova
Shadow Russia: Economic and Sociological Study
P. 107–110 |
Research Projects
Vadim Radaev
The Creation of Virtual Centre for Economic Sociology (ECSOCENTR)
P. 111–113 |
A Ermolaev
The Creation of Virtual Centre “Sociology-Methods”
P. 114–116 |
Vadim Radaev
Contemporary Economic Sociology
P. 117–134 |
Irina Popova
“Where is Russia going?.. Formal Institutions and Real Practices”
P. 135–139 |
Maria Dobryakova
“Social Policy: Realities of the XXI century”
P. 140–141 |