2003. Vol. 4. No. 5 |
Editor’s Foreword
P. 4–5 |
Laurent Thévenot
P. 6–13 |
New Texts
Andrey Yakovlev
The Interrelation between the Interest Groups and Their Impact on the Economic Reforms in Modern Russia (beginning)
P. 14–33 |
The logic of the paper is based on the thesis that the key questions for today Russian economic policy are the following: who can support the reforms and who can provide the stable economic growth as well as what mechanisms allow us to consolidate and motivate these social groups? With the help of critical analysis of the mass former studies the author shows that economic, social and political deformations that were accumulated during the Soviet period greatly predetermined the character of the elites’ transformation and the trajectory of the reforms in 1990s. |
New Translations
Alejandro Portes
The Informal Economy and Its Paradoxes
P. 34–53 |
The range of types of the informal economic activity is rather wide and continuously growing. It is a unique example of the invasion of the social forces into the world of the economic transactions. The paper gives the history of the term of “informal economy” and its definitions. The main attention is paid to those aspects of informal economy which let include it into the sphere of the sociological analysis. |
Insight from the Regions
Natalya Ryzhova
Transboundary market in Blagoveshchensk: the formation of the new reality by the business networks of the “shuttle-traders”
P. 54–71 |
The paper deals with the business networks of the “shuttle-traders” that operate on the Russian-Chinese border. With the help of the examples of Blagoveshchensk and Hihe the author analyses the specificity of the new transboundary localalities which appear on the states’ borders. The author tries to understand how the everyday economic practices of local “shuttle-traders” influence the organization of social and economic space. The research is based on the qualitative methods. |
Debut Studies
Evgeniya Olbikova
The Impact of the Educational Differences on the Workers Mobility on the Russian Labor Market
P. 72–94 |
The main goal of the paper is to identify the impact of the educational level on the type of the inter-firm workers mobility. The basic assumption is that the level of education strongly influences the labour market segmentation that is why the education should have certain impact on the type of the workers’ mobility. The data analysis based on RLMS gives the contradictory results. On the one hand the level of education determines the chances to be unemployed or non-active. On the other hand the level of education has impact on the probability of the inter-firm workers’ mobility only for males of 22-45 years old. Moreover upward mobility in terms of wages was true only for man but the level of education was not significant for this. |
Professional Reviews
Michael Smith
Analysis of Labour Markets in Canadian Sociology
P. 95–117 |
New Books
Tagir Kalimullin
Middle Classes in Contemporary Russia: Economic and Social Strategies/ Edd. by Тatiana Maleva Moscow Carnegie Centre*: Gendalf, 2003
P. 118–136 |
Vadim Radaev “Sociology of Markets: Towards the Formation of a New Approach”
P. 137 |
Research Projects
Rustem Nureev,
Ekaterina Lobza
Internet-Conference «The Search of the Effective Institutions for Russia of the XXI Century»
P. 138–140 |
Elena Mezentseva
Gender Aspects of the Economic Behavior (internet-program)
P. 141–170 |
Trust and Entrepreneurial Behavior in East and West European Economies – Concepts, Developments, Comparative Aspects (Bremen, September 26–27, 2003)
P. 171–172 |