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Journal of Economic Sociology is indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) from Web of Science™ Core Collection

Funded by the National Research University Higher School of Economics since 2007.

Genrikh Penikas

Managers of the Russian Firms: Overestimated Self-Assessment or Success Self-Convincement

2007. Vol. 8. No. 2. P. 74–93 [issue contents]

Within the framework of the study on the assessment of industrial firms’ competitiveness in Russia we found out that the level of competitiveness is determined by different factors from those that were described by the managers. It was shown that sometimes the managers implement the strategies expecting the growth of competitiveness but this implementation does not lead to the real competitiveness growth what leads to the difference in objective and subjective assessment of firms’ competitiveness. The paper provides the discussion of the reasons for this difference on the basis of the analysis of factors and economic peculiarity of some industries.

Citation: Penikas Genrikh I (2007) Menedzhery rossiyskikh predpriyatiy: zavyshennaya samootsenka ili samovnushenie uspekha [Managers of the Russian Firms: Overestimated Self-Assessment or Success Self-Convincement] Economic Sociology, 2, pp. 74-93 (in Russian)
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