2007. Vol. 8. No. 5 |
Editor’s Foreword
P. 5–7 |
Vladimir Yadov
Sociology of Labour is about to Die Out as Market Appeared
P. 8–17 |
New Texts
Denis Strebkov
Motivation of Private Investors to Stock Market
P. 17–39 |
The object of this paper is the people who understood the perspectives of stock market and did first steps to become private investors. They have opened discretionary account in Investment Company and got the opportunity to buy and sell stocks and bonds on Russian brokers’ exchanges. On the basis of detailed interviews and questionnaire the author analyzes the structure of the motives that define the choice for stock market as a way of money investment for contemporary Russian brokers. It was shown in the paper that the variety of motives of beginners and old players on the stock market is very complex and could not be reduced to simple rational material benefits. |
Lyudmila Presnyakova
To the Question on Stock Market Development in Russia: Perspectives and Basic Restrictions (Comments to D. Strebkov’s Paper)
P. 40–54 |
New Translations
Mitchell Abolafia
Making Sense of Recession: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Economic Action
P. 55–73 |
By reading the text we are taken to the meeting of Federal Reserve System Committee of the USA which takes the key decisions on money policy. We find out that the development of money policy is far from the mechanic process of aggregating the individual preferences of those who are responsible for taking decisions. We speak about very complicated process of bargaining of various interests and positions. From the beginning the participants of this process are aimed at the consensus and legitimization of their actions in the eyes of public opinion. |
Insight from the Regions
Efim Fidrya
Formation of Value-Normative Complex in the Culture of Small Entrepreneurship: Comparative Analysis of Two Markets in Magadan Region
P. 74–93 |
The paper is devoted to the value-normative complex in the culture of small entrepreneurship. The analysis is based on the empirical research of two local markets: computers and office equipment and the market of car spare parts. |
Debut Studies
Natalia Skrylnikova
The Market of Civic Aviation in Russia: Formal and Informal Interactions of Actors
P. 94–126 |
The goal of the study is to analyze informal interactions of actors on the market of civic aviation in Russia linking them to the formal relations. The object of the study is the representatives of main types of market actors in Russian civic aviation. The subject of the research is the formal and informal interactions between main participants of the civic aviation market in Russia as well as the relation inside the companies of this market.
Professional Reviews
Alexander Kurakin
Agriculture in Russia (1996-2000)
P. 127–155 |
New Books
Svetlana Barsukova
Developed Informality in Developing Countries. The Book Review On: Linking the Formal and Informal Economy: Concepts and Policies / Ed. by B. Guha-Khasnobis, R. Kanbur, E. Ostrom. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
P. 156–167 |
Research Projects
Power and Discrimination on Consumer Markets: the Relations between Suppliers and Retail Chains in Contemporary Russia
P. 168–171 |
Askhat Kutlaliev
Sociological Methods of Marketing Research
P. 172–179 |
Corporate Management and Constant Business Development: Strategic Roles of the CEOs (November 28-29, 2007, HSE)
P. 180–183 |
Annual Conference of the Society of the Professional Sociologists “Sociology in the Contemporary Russian Society: Diagnosis of the Tendencies and Perspectives” (December 15, 2007)
P. 184–185 |