2008. Vol. 9. No. 5 |
Editor’s Foreword
P. 5–7 |
Jens Beckert
Jens Beckert Answers Ten Questions about Economic Sociology
P. 8–16 |
New Texts
Andrey Shevchuk
Models of Modern Capitalism: A Comparative Institutional Analysis
P. 17–29 |
Economic systems of the developed societies, which traditionally are labeled ‘capitalist’ or ‘market’ ones, are ratherheterogeneous in reality. There are several independent economic models that differ in socio-economic, political andideological respects. The paper covers a range of methodological approaches to the comparative analysis of economicsystems, and sketches its basic typology comprising ‘liberal capitalism’ of Anglo-Saxon world and ‘non-liberalcapitalism’ of continental Europe, Japan and some other countries. Two models of capitalism are differentiated by thetype of economic agents and institutional setting. Each of them holds specific competitive advantages, which enablesthem more or less successfully to reduce socio-economic problems. Unfolding globalization does not implyconvergence and unification of economic practices. Rather hybridization takes place implying institutional changes thatenable economic models to meet the new challenges. |
New Translations
Roger Waldinger,
Howard Aldrich,
Robin Ward
Ethnic Entrepreneurs (translation by M. Dobryakova)
P. 30–55 |
During recent years there has been a surge of studies of entrepreneurs from different ethnic minorities. Ethnic minoritieshave different resources and face different opportunities than mainstream entrepreneurs. |
Insight from the Regions
Olga Gourova
Fast Fashion: Fast Sewing, Fast Selling, Fast Throwing Away. Towards the Concept of Fashion and Consumption of Garments in Contemporary Russian Society
P. 56–67 |
The article dwells on the phenomenon of ‘fast fashion’, the new understanding of fashion which superseded theconcepts of class and mass fashion. The concept of ‘fast fashion’ views fashion in the context of global industry anddivision of labour in the world economy, which leaves production and distribution of goods for developing, ‘thirdworld’, countries, whereas marketing and consumption are mostly performed in capitalist countries. The articledemonstrates the ways in which the concept of fast fashion glimpses in consumption practices of citizen of Saint-Petersburg via document and quantitative analyses of data from the survey held in Saint-Petersburg in 2007. |
Debut Studies
Ekaterina Nemkova
Factors and Types of Consumer Behaviour in the Food Market
P. 68–85 |
The aim of the paper is to reveal the main factors affecting the choice of food products, and the analysis of behaviour offood consumers. A standardized survey of adult population was conducted in Moscow and Tumen. The analysis of thedatabase (sample comprises 540 people) allowed to define four types of consumers: conservative, wasteful, impulsiveand inconsistent. The obtained results demonstrate that people are able to ‘switch’ between these types of consumption. |
Professional Reviews
Alexander Kurakin
The Issue “Russian Abroad: Socio-Economic Thought” (continued)
P. 86–89 |
New Books
Svetlana Barsukova
On Rules of Ultimate Fights. Book Review: Paneyakh, E. (2008) Rules of the Game for the Russian Entrepreneur, Moscow: Colibry
P. 90–97 |
Research Projects
Andrey Yakovlev
Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Structural Changes in Russian Economics (A. Yakovlev – project head)
P. 98–101 |
Dmitry Repin
Behavioral Finance
P. 102–112 |
Nikita Kharlamov
Rethinking the Role of Economic Sociology in the Era of Late Capitalism: Session ‘Economic Sociology as Practice’ at the First Sociological Forum MSA
P. 113–117 |
Natalia Demina
Eternal Questions of Russian Sociology (A Report From the Third Russian Sociological Congress)
P. 118–121 |