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Journal of Economic Sociology is indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) from Web of Science™ Core Collection

Funded by the National Research University Higher School of Economics since 2007.

Ruslan Dolzhenko

Peculiarities of Interconnection of Labour Motivation and Organizational Culture in Commercial Banks in Altai Region

2010. Vol. 11. No. 5. P. 84–107 [issue contents]
The paper is devoted to the interconnection of labour motivation system and organizational culture in commercial banks. The research covers several banks of Barnaul city in Altai region. The main issues discussed in the paper follow as: in which way can system of labour motivation and organizational culture be interconnected? How can the impact of values of a specific type of organizational culture be taken into account while a given bank’s system of labour motivation is being formed?
Citation: Dolzhenko Ruslan (2010) Osobennosti vzaimosvyazi sistemy trudovoy motivatsii personala i organizatsionnoy kul'tury kommercheskikh bankov Altayskogo kraya [Peculiarities of Interconnection of Labour Motivation and Organizational Culture in Commercial Banks in Altai Region] Economic Sociology, 5, pp. 84-107 (in Russian)
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