Articles rubric «New Books»
Vadim Radaev
[2004] Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 108–120
Viviana Zelizer Social Meaning of Money (translated in Russian). Moscow, HSE, 2004.
Viviana Zelizer Social Meaning of Money (translated in Russian). Moscow, HSE, 2004.
Alexander Subbotin
[2020] Vol. 21. No. 3. P. 101–113
Way Out of the Matrix
Book review: Foer F. (2020) Bez svoego mneniya. Kak Google, Facebook*, Amazon i Apple lishayut vas individual’nosti [World without Mind: How Google, Amazon, and Facebook* Shape Your Mind], Moscow: Bombora (EKSMO Publishing Group), a series of Digital Society (in Russian). 296 p.
Way Out of the Matrix
Book review: Foer F. (2020) Bez svoego mneniya. Kak Google, Facebook*, Amazon i Apple lishayut vas individual’nosti [World without Mind: How Google, Amazon, and Facebook* Shape Your Mind], Moscow: Bombora (EKSMO Publishing Group), a series of Digital Society (in Russian). 296 p.
Elena Alexandrova
[2008] Vol. 9. No. 1. P. 132–138
Welcome to Florida: Thoughts About the Book “Creative Class: People Who Change the Future” (Moscow, 2007)
Welcome to Florida: Thoughts About the Book “Creative Class: People Who Change the Future” (Moscow, 2007)
Maxim Markin
[2011] Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 144–148
Welcome to the Higher School of Economics: An Short Guide for the Young Teacher. Review on Berdysheva E., Kotelnikova Z., Balashov A., Ovchinnikova Y. 2010. A Course for Young Teachers, or Bonifacy’s Working Days at the Higher School of Economics
Welcome to the Higher School of Economics: An Short Guide for the Young Teacher. Review on Berdysheva E., Kotelnikova Z., Balashov A., Ovchinnikova Y. 2010. A Course for Young Teachers, or Bonifacy’s Working Days at the Higher School of Economics
[2004] Vol. 5. No. 3. P. 110–115
Western Economic Sociology: Reader of the Contemporary Classics (М.: Russian Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2004)
Western Economic Sociology: Reader of the Contemporary Classics (М.: Russian Political Encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2004)
Zoya Kotelnikova
[2006] Vol. 7. No. 2. P. 119–129
Western Economic Sociology: the Review of New Books – 2005
Western Economic Sociology: the Review of New Books – 2005
Anita Poplavskaya
[2020] Vol. 21. No. 3. P. 84–100
What Do We Know About 21st Century Youth? American Teens Through the Eyes of a Psychologist
Book review: Twenge J. (2019) Pokolenie I. Pochemu pokolenie Interneta utratilo buntarskiy dukh, stalo bolee tolerantnym, menee schastlivym — i absolyutno ne gotovym k vzrosloy zhizni* *i chto eto znachit dlya vsekh ostal’nykh [iGen. Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy — and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood — and What That Means for the Rest of Us] (transl. A. Tolmatchev), Moscow: Group of Companies “RIPOL Classic” (in Russian). 406 p.
What Do We Know About 21st Century Youth? American Teens Through the Eyes of a Psychologist
Book review: Twenge J. (2019) Pokolenie I. Pochemu pokolenie Interneta utratilo buntarskiy dukh, stalo bolee tolerantnym, menee schastlivym — i absolyutno ne gotovym k vzrosloy zhizni* *i chto eto znachit dlya vsekh ostal’nykh [iGen. Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy — and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood — and What That Means for the Rest of Us] (transl. A. Tolmatchev), Moscow: Group of Companies “RIPOL Classic” (in Russian). 406 p.
Daniel Shestakov
[2024] Vol. 25. No. 4. P. 147–162
What is the Secret to the Success of the US Economy?
Book Review: Usanov P. (2023) Amerikanskaya Modernizatsiya: Idei, lyudi, ekonomika [American Modernization: Ideas, People, Economy], St. Petersburg: EUPRESS. 288 p. (in Russian)
What is the Secret to the Success of the US Economy?
Book Review: Usanov P. (2023) Amerikanskaya Modernizatsiya: Idei, lyudi, ekonomika [American Modernization: Ideas, People, Economy], St. Petersburg: EUPRESS. 288 p. (in Russian)
Stanislav Pashkov
[2019] Vol. 20. No. 5. P. 188–201
“When a Failed Contract is Better than Doable”: How a “New” Understanding of Financial Obligations in the Mortgage Market Led to the Financial Crisis in the United States and Around the World
Book Review: Appadurai A. (2015) Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 176 p.
“When a Failed Contract is Better than Doable”: How a “New” Understanding of Financial Obligations in the Mortgage Market Led to the Financial Crisis in the United States and Around the World
Book Review: Appadurai A. (2015) Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 176 p.