Articles rubric «New Books»
Alexander Kurakin
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 3. P. 130–135
Suicides in Rural India
Book Review: Suthar S. K. (2022) Dilapidation of the Rural: Development, Politics, and Farmer Suicides in India, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 210 p
Suicides in Rural India
Book Review: Suthar S. K. (2022) Dilapidation of the Rural: Development, Politics, and Farmer Suicides in India, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 210 p
Darya Moiseeva,
Olga Kuzina
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 5. P. 121–132
Rethinking Money
Book Review: Dodd N. (2014) The Social Life of Money, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 444 p
Rethinking Money
Book Review: Dodd N. (2014) The Social Life of Money, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 444 p
Egor Korobkin
[2021] Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 138–147
The Exception that Proves the Rule: The Development of Central Banks as an Example of Successful Institutional Reforms in Post-Communist Countries
Book Review: Johnson J. (2016) Priests of Prosperity. How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 312 p
The Exception that Proves the Rule: The Development of Central Banks as an Example of Successful Institutional Reforms in Post-Communist Countries
Book Review: Johnson J. (2016) Priests of Prosperity. How Central Bankers Transformed the Postcommunist World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 312 p
David Khumaryan
[2019] Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 164–179
Nick Srnicek’s Platform Capitalism: Crisis — Response — Boom — Crisis — and Response Again. What Do We Know about the Digital Economy?
Book Review: Srnicek N. (2019) Kapitalizm platform [Platform Capitalism] (Russian transl. by Maria Dobryakova), Moscow: HSE Publishing House (in Russian). 128 pp.
Nick Srnicek’s Platform Capitalism: Crisis — Response — Boom — Crisis — and Response Again. What Do We Know about the Digital Economy?
Book Review: Srnicek N. (2019) Kapitalizm platform [Platform Capitalism] (Russian transl. by Maria Dobryakova), Moscow: HSE Publishing House (in Russian). 128 pp.
Tamara Kusimova
[2017] Vol. 18. No. 3. P. 130–139
Managing Uncertainty: How Trend-forecasting Agencies Conquer the Global Fashion Industry
Book Review: Lantz J. (2016) The Trendmakers: Behind the Scenes of the Global Fashion Industry, London, UK; New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Managing Uncertainty: How Trend-forecasting Agencies Conquer the Global Fashion Industry
Book Review: Lantz J. (2016) The Trendmakers: Behind the Scenes of the Global Fashion Industry, London, UK; New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Natalya Kolesnik
[2016] Vol. 17. No. 5. P. 130–137
The Growing Points of Studies in Informal Economy or Objectifying the Subjective. Book Review: Barsukova S. (2015) Essays on Informal Economy, or Sixteen Shades of Gray, Moscow: NRU HSE
The Growing Points of Studies in Informal Economy or Objectifying the Subjective. Book Review: Barsukova S. (2015) Essays on Informal Economy, or Sixteen Shades of Gray, Moscow: NRU HSE
Anton Kazun
[2015] Vol. 16. No. 3. P. 163–172
Re-Examining the Role of Business Associations in Russiaand Post-Communist Countries: From Interest Groups to Defensive OrganizationsBook Review: Duvanova D. (2013) Building Business in Post-Communist Russia,Eastern Europe, and Eurasia: Collective Goods, Selective Incentives,and Predatory States. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Re-Examining the Role of Business Associations in Russiaand Post-Communist Countries: From Interest Groups to Defensive OrganizationsBook Review: Duvanova D. (2013) Building Business in Post-Communist Russia,Eastern Europe, and Eurasia: Collective Goods, Selective Incentives,and Predatory States. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tamara Kusimova
[2014] Vol. 15. No. 5. P. 113–122
Price in the Eye of the Beholder
Book Review: Mears A. (2011) Pricing Beauty: The Making of a Fashion Model. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Price in the Eye of the Beholder
Book Review: Mears A. (2011) Pricing Beauty: The Making of a Fashion Model. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Alexander Kurakin
[2014] Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 149–159
Explaining Economic Growth in China: Testing Sociological Tools for Validity A Review on Book: Nee V., Opper S. (2012) Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Explaining Economic Growth in China: Testing Sociological Tools for Validity A Review on Book: Nee V., Opper S. (2012) Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
N Khalina
[2013] Vol. 14. No. 5. P. 159–170
Making Decisions by Amateur Investors A Review on Book: Harrington B. (2008) Pop Finance: Investment Clubs and the New Investor Populism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Making Decisions by Amateur Investors A Review on Book: Harrington B. (2008) Pop Finance: Investment Clubs and the New Investor Populism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.