Articles rubric «New Books»
Egor Makarov
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 5. P. 158–174
The Sociology of the Financial Crisis: Banks, Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Modern Financial System
Book Review: Fligstein N. (2021) The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 315 p
The Sociology of the Financial Crisis: Banks, Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Modern Financial System
Book Review: Fligstein N. (2021) The Banks Did It: An Anatomy of the Financial Crisis, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 315 p
Darya Moiseeva,
Olga Kuzina
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 5. P. 121–132
Rethinking Money
Book Review: Dodd N. (2014) The Social Life of Money, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 444 p
Rethinking Money
Book Review: Dodd N. (2014) The Social Life of Money, Princeton: Princeton University Press. 444 p
Tatiana Martynenko
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 129–140
Digital Utopia: Labour in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Book Review: Jones Ph. (2021) Work Without the Worker: Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism, London, New York: Verso. 144 p
Digital Utopia: Labour in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Book Review: Jones Ph. (2021) Work Without the Worker: Labour in the Age of Platform Capitalism, London, New York: Verso. 144 p
Nataliya Meshcheryakova
[2020] Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 125–138
Sticky Economy’s Social Consequences
Book review: Banerjee A. V., Duflo E. (2019) Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems, New York: Public Affairs. 432 p
Sticky Economy’s Social Consequences
Book review: Banerjee A. V., Duflo E. (2019) Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems, New York: Public Affairs. 432 p
Maxim Markin
[2018] Vol. 19. No. 1. P. 204–2013
Lesser-Known Papers by a Well-Known Researcher of Russian Society: Yury Levada’s Ideas on Economic Sociology
Book Review: Levada Y. A. 2016. Vremya peremen: Predmet i pozitsiya issledovatelya [A Time of Changes: The Subject and Researcher’s Attitude], Moscow: New Literary Observer Publishing House. P. 872
Lesser-Known Papers by a Well-Known Researcher of Russian Society: Yury Levada’s Ideas on Economic Sociology
Book Review: Levada Y. A. 2016. Vremya peremen: Predmet i pozitsiya issledovatelya [A Time of Changes: The Subject and Researcher’s Attitude], Moscow: New Literary Observer Publishing House. P. 872
Elena Melnikova
[2016] Vol. 17. No. 3. P. 132–141
How Songs Get on the Radio, or What does Rihanna's Chart Success Mean for the Researcher of Innovations.
Book Review: Rossman G. 2012. Climbing the Charts: What Radio Airplay Tells Us about the Diffusion of Innovation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
How Songs Get on the Radio, or What does Rihanna's Chart Success Mean for the Researcher of Innovations.
Book Review: Rossman G. 2012. Climbing the Charts: What Radio Airplay Tells Us about the Diffusion of Innovation. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Maxim Markin
[2015] Vol. 16. No. 2. P. 90–100
A Sociological View of the Economy and the State: From Economy-State Dualism towards Economy-State Embeddedness Book Review: Bandelj N., Sowers E. (2010) Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective, Cambridge: Polity Press
A Sociological View of the Economy and the State: From Economy-State Dualism towards Economy-State Embeddedness Book Review: Bandelj N., Sowers E. (2010) Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective, Cambridge: Polity Press
Kirill Makarov
[2015] Vol. 16. No. 1. P. 70–80
The Free Market and the Moarl Limits. Book Review: Sandel M. J. (2012) What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, London: Allen Lane.
The Free Market and the Moarl Limits. Book Review: Sandel M. J. (2012) What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, London: Allen Lane.
Alisa Maksimova
[2011] Vol. 12. No. 5. P. 106–114
Economic Sociology Guide to Durkheimian School. Book Review on Steiner Ph. 2010. Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology. Translated by Tribe K. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Economic Sociology Guide to Durkheimian School. Book Review on Steiner Ph. 2010. Durkheim and the Birth of Economic Sociology. Translated by Tribe K. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Maxim Markin
[2011] Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 144–148
Welcome to the Higher School of Economics: An Short Guide for the Young Teacher. Review on Berdysheva E., Kotelnikova Z., Balashov A., Ovchinnikova Y. 2010. A Course for Young Teachers, or Bonifacy’s Working Days at the Higher School of Economics
Welcome to the Higher School of Economics: An Short Guide for the Young Teacher. Review on Berdysheva E., Kotelnikova Z., Balashov A., Ovchinnikova Y. 2010. A Course for Young Teachers, or Bonifacy’s Working Days at the Higher School of Economics