Articles rubric «Beyond Borders»
Ilya Ermolin
[2019] Vol. 20. No. 1. P. 83–122
Deliberate By-Catch of the Caspian Seal and the Development of Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) in Dagestan, Russia: A Socio-Economic Approach
Deliberate By-Catch of the Caspian Seal and the Development of Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) in Dagestan, Russia: A Socio-Economic Approach
A Belyanin,
N Bobkova,
Kh Egbert,
Leonid Kosals
[2014] Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 61–88
Experimental Methods of Research on Corruption in Economic Theory and Sociology
Experimental Methods of Research on Corruption in Economic Theory and Sociology
Ilya Ermolin,
Linas Svolkinas,
Pavel Suvorkov,
George Holmes,
Simon J. Goodman
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 1. P. 125–153
Fieldwork Challenges Stemming from Doing Studies in Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT)
Fieldwork Challenges Stemming from Doing Studies in Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT)