Articles rubric «Beyond Borders»
Kirill Rozhkov
[2015] Vol. 16. No. 3. P. 74–109
A Marketing Approach to the Study of Megacity: Necessity, Principles and Prospects
A Marketing Approach to the Study of Megacity: Necessity, Principles and Prospects
Roman Bumagin,
Dmitry Rogozin
[2018] Vol. 19. No. 2. P. 86–117
Criticism of Interview Approach in Examining Similarity of Appearance of Products Belonging to the Same Product Category
Criticism of Interview Approach in Examining Similarity of Appearance of Products Belonging to the Same Product Category
Irina Sizova,
Maya Rusakova,
Anastasia Alexandrova
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 5. P. 45–77
The Job Seekers Market and the Frictions of Finding Jobs on Online Platforms
The Job Seekers Market and the Frictions of Finding Jobs on Online Platforms
Alexander Rubinstein
[2019] Vol. 20. No. 5. P. 98–149
The Theatre, the Audience and the State: Twelve Economist’s Comments
The Theatre, the Audience and the State: Twelve Economist’s Comments
Anastasia Alexandrova,
Maya Rusakova,
Sergey Tkach
[2024] Vol. 25. No. 5. P. 33–55
Value Orientations and Job Search Strategies of St. Petersburg Residents in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis
Value Orientations and Job Search Strategies of St. Petersburg Residents in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis