Articles rubric «Beyond Borders»
Valeriy Saraikin,
Yulia Nikulina,
Renata Yanbykh
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 1. P. 71–105
Subjective Well-being of Rural Dwellers in Russia: Factors and Their Significance
Subjective Well-being of Rural Dwellers in Russia: Factors and Their Significance
Andrei Semenov
[2020] Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 107–124
Arhythmic Tempo: Dynamics of Readiness to Join the Collective Actions in Russia (1996–2019)
Arhythmic Tempo: Dynamics of Readiness to Join the Collective Actions in Russia (1996–2019)
Andrei Semenov,
Alena Gileva
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 4. P. 73–95
Russian Instruments of Urban Planning from the Sociological Institutionalism Perspective
Russian Instruments of Urban Planning from the Sociological Institutionalism Perspective
Irina Sizova,
Maya Rusakova,
Anastasia Alexandrova
[2022] Vol. 23. No. 5. P. 45–77
The Job Seekers Market and the Frictions of Finding Jobs on Online Platforms
The Job Seekers Market and the Frictions of Finding Jobs on Online Platforms
Nataliya Smorodinskaya
[2012] Vol. 13. No. 4. P. 95–115
The Global Paradigm Shift and the Emanation of a Network Economy
The Global Paradigm Shift and the Emanation of a Network Economy
Mikhail Sokolov,
Alexander Kazantsev,
[2017] Vol. 18. No. 5. P. 87–110
Survey Types, Sample Biases and the Effects of Demographic Quotas. The Results of an Experiment with a Three-Frame Survey in a Major Russian City
Survey Types, Sample Biases and the Effects of Demographic Quotas. The Results of an Experiment with a Three-Frame Survey in a Major Russian City
Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov
[2012] Vol. 13. No. 2. P. 59–81
Bear Skins and Macaroni: On Social Life of Things in a Siberian State Collective, and On the Performativity of Gift and Commodity Distinctions
Bear Skins and Macaroni: On Social Life of Things in a Siberian State Collective, and On the Performativity of Gift and Commodity Distinctions
Denis Tev,
[2017] Vol. 18. No. 5. P. 52–86
Deputies of the State Duma of the VI Convocation: Social-Professional Sources of Recruitment
Deputies of the State Duma of the VI Convocation: Social-Professional Sources of Recruitment
Kirill Titaev
[2014] Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 88–118
Pretrial Detention in Russian Criminal Justice: Sociological Analysis of the Probability of Pretrial Detention and its Influence on Court Decisions
Pretrial Detention in Russian Criminal Justice: Sociological Analysis of the Probability of Pretrial Detention and its Influence on Court Decisions
Natalia Tonkikh
[2023] Vol. 24. No. 5. P. 66–92
Family-Work and Private Life of Women: Qualitative Changes in the Remote Working Environment
Family-Work and Private Life of Women: Qualitative Changes in the Remote Working Environment